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Spider Identification & Prevention

What You Need To Know About Spiders

Spiders mainly live outdoors and spend most of their days hunting prey. They either build webs with the silk they produce to catch the prey or lay in wait in burrows they create and chase down their prey.

Frequently Asked Questions About Spiders

What are spiders?

Spiders are arachnids. All spiders have the following in common: two body regions (cephalothorax and abdomen), eight legs, and fangs (chelicerae). Spiders do not have wings or antennae. They prefer living and foraging for food outside, but are pests that commonly find their way into homes, garages, sheds, barns, and other outbuildings.

Three of the most common species of spiders living in Houston, Dallas, and Fort Worth, Texas are black widows, brown recluse spiders, and wolf spiders.

Black widow spiders
Black widow spiders are identified by an orange-red “hourglass” mark that is found on the underside of their abdomens. They may also have light red or white markings on their abdomens and backs. Their round bodies are black and shiny.

Brown recluse spiders
Brown recluse spiders are yellowish-gray to black in color and their abdomens are covered in gray hairs. Their long legs are darker in color than their bodies. Brown recluse spiders have a unique “violin-like” pattern found on the top of their bodies. They have three pairs of eyes that are distinctly arranged in a semi-circle.

Wolf spiders
Wolf spiders tend to startle and intimidate people with their large size and fast movements. Instead of using a web to catch their prey, these spiders chase and “hunt” down their prey in a wolf-like manner. Wolf spiders are dark brown in color and they typically have two dark stripes on their back. They have stout bodies, long legs, and are covered in hair.

Are spiders dangerous?

Even though spiders are naturally reclusive and rarely bite, they have the potential to be dangerous pests. It is comforting to know, though, that most of the spiders found living across the United States are not dangerous, and are simply nuisance pests. Wolf spiders are an example of a nuisance spider. The venom of nuisance spiders is not strong enough to cause health problems in most people.

Black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders are examples of dangerous spiders that live throughout the United States, including in Texas. Their venom is strong enough to cause serious health problems in people. The symptoms caused by a dangerous spider bite require medical attention but are typically not life-threatening. Care should always be taken around black widow and brown recluse spiders. If you discover them in your home or on your property, you should contact a professional to remove them.

Why do I have a spider problem?

Spiders can become a problem on any property that offers ample food and shelter sources. Once living on your property, it is quite common for spiders to find their way inside your home while foraging for food. They will also move indoors when the weather outside becomes too cold, wet, hot, or dry, or in the late fall, when their prey (insects) moves indoors to overwinter.

Where will I find spiders?

Outside, spiders create their webs or burrows in a variety of locations, such as in gardens, shrubs, bushes, tall grasses, in wood piles, between rocks and stones, in the ground, and underneath decks and porches. They prefer to live outside because that is where there are plenty of insects for them to hunt and feed on. Spiders, by nature, are shy and reclusive and want to stay out of sight of people. Therefore, spiders living indoors, hide out and create webs in quiet spots like in the corners of closets, in basements, in attics, in boxes, in clothing and shoes, under bedding, in potted plants, and under furniture.

How do I get rid of spiders?

The best way to solve your property’s spider problem is to partner with a local pest control company. When you partner with Cantu Pest & Termite, our knowledgeable and friendly professionals will provide the comprehensive services needed to eliminate spiders and prevent their return. With over 30 years in the pest control industry, we are proud to provide all of our customers with dependable affordable home pest control and commercial pest solutions. To learn more about eliminating spiders and other household pests from your Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, or surrounding area home, reach out to Cantu!

How can I prevent spiders in the future?

In addition to our professional pest control services in North Dallas, the following tips can help to prevent problems with spiders on your Texas property:

  • Place weather stripping around exterior windows and doors and make sure screens are completely intact.
  • Remove excess wood, rock, leaf, and grass piles from your property.
  • Keep your grass cut short and trim back overgrown vegetation.
  • Limit sources of water by ensuring that gutters are clear and leaky outdoor fixtures are repaired.
  • Inside your home, reduce hiding spots by keeping storage areas clutter-free and well-maintained.
  • Prevent spiders from finding their way inside by caulking cracks and crevices in the foundation and exterior walls of your home.